
Agricultural / Horticultural Marketing in Himachal Pradesh

  In Himachal Pradesh, various types of fruits and vegetables are grown. The majority of marketable surplus is off season vegetables, Stone and pome fruits. The share of primary sector in State GVA is approximately 14%. This sector provides the livelihood to majority of population appox. 60% and also provide employment opportunities. The marketing of fruits is done in traditional way in Himachal. Earlier big farmers collect the produce of themselves and nearby small framers and carry it to bigger markets like Delhi and Chandigarh for sale, where they have linkages with trader. There is no transparent method of price discovery. The farmers have to settle whatever price is afforded to them after deducting unregulated  transportation  and incidental charges. The marketing model is depicted in following diagram. Farmer  ------ à Bigger Farmer---- à   Arthiya (Commision Agent) in Delhi Market --- à Trader --- à Retailer------ à Consumer. The other method is...

Agricultural reforms during COVID 19 and its impact on Agricultural Marketing

Agricultural reforms during COVID 19 and its impact on Agricultural Marketing Covid 19 has affected every nook of life. Almost all the sectors of economy were badly affected by COVID 19 and the Lockdown which was imposed by the government to save the people from this pandemic. The lockdown 1.0 to 4.0 or maybe more has left people empty hands and there were expectations from government to provide some basic relief. Government also time to time announced various relief measures and sum of all the measures comes in the magic figure of Rs. 20 Lakhs Crores, which was announced by Prime Minister in his address to nation. He gave the basic idea about relief package and also proposed for self reliant India so called Aatamnirbhar Bharat. The description of relief package came in 5 tranches, which were presented by Finance Minister through power point presentations. As per presentation number 3, lots of benefits in form of budgetary allocation, reforms, funds for allied activit...

Agricultural marketing during covid period and challenges

This is the link of webinar which was hosted by National Institute of Agriculture Marketing This webinar is about the current challenges of Agricultural Marketing in COVID 19 period. The various problems faced by farmers and steps taken by government to address these issues. In the webinars various issues pertaining to demand, supply and prices were also discussed. The impact of Lockdown on future crops is also a matter of concern. The various possible solutions were also discussed. you can also leave your feedback in comment section. The slide share link of presentation is #agriculturemarketing #Covid19 and its impact on Agriculture #APMC role in Agricultural Marketing #marketing of fruits and vegetables #agribusiness

Agricultural and Horticulture Produce marketing in Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh

Agricultural  and Horticultural produce marketing in Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh Hamirpur is the smallest district of Himachal Pradesh. The geographical area of district is 1118 Sq KM out of 55673 Sq KM of the state. In percentage terms it comes about 2%. The population of district as per 2011 census was 4,54,768 person. Whereas states population was 68,64,602. It comes out 6.62 %. The population density of district is 406 person per sq. KM, which is highest in state followed by Una (338) and Bilaspur (327). The mean sea level height of Hamirpur district lies between 400 to 1130 mts. Highest point in district is Awahdevi hill. Average yearly rainfall is around 1572 mm and average annual temp is 21.6 degree Celsius. It falls under shivalik mountain range and climate is subtropical. The agricultural and horticultural produce production (MT) in district is as under:                              ...